Friday Sessions #40: ‘I have to praise you like I should’ – ‘Praise You’, Fatboy Slim

We are listening to the perfect summer track this Friday, as this week’s session features Fatboy Slim’s, ‘Praise You.’ So, when was the last time you received praise for something? Some people are very good at giving praise, perhaps when we do a good job, or something is done well. However, others are not so good…
The line ‘I have to praise you like I should,’ uses two modal verbs.
Have to – is used to express an obligation
Should – is used to give strong advice
(Basically, the line is in this track is saying something like: “It is my obligation, and I am giving myself the strong advice that I need to tell you that you did something very well!”) Phew, but of course, that is a very long explanation, so thanks to modal verbs we don’t need to say it like that.
Examples using the word ‘praise’:
Praise (noun) – “You should give him more praise because he always does great work.”
To praise (verb) – “It’s important to praise your team every once in a while.”
*Note: In a professional work context, you might also hear the phrase ‘to speak highly of’, which is more like a commendation. For example: “She speaks very highly of him, you should consider him for your next project.”
Not forgetting the video to this week’s track, which should definitely bring a smile to your face. If anyone deserves some praise, we should surely acknowledge the dancers! Happy Friday.
We’ve come a long, long way together
Through the hard times and the good
I have to celebrate you, baby
I have to praise you like I should
We’ve come a long, long way together
Through the hard times and the good
I have to celebrate you, baby
I have to praise you like I should
I have to praise you
I have to praise you
I have to praise you
I have to praise you like I should
I have to praise you
I have to praise you
I have to praise you
We’ve come a long, long way together
Through the hard times and the good
I have to celebrate you, baby
I have to praise you like I should
I have to praise you
I have to praise you
I have to praise you
I have to praise you
I have to praise you
I have to praise you
I have to praise you
I have to praise you like I should
I have to praise you