Friday Sessions #41: ‘Can someone tell me if it’s wrong to be so mad about you’ – ‘Mad about you’, Hooverphonic

Friday Sessions — 2 years ago
Friday Sessions - Test Your English With The Power Of Music. This week's track talks about passion, hate, trouble and insanity,..(but in a good way.) So, in a romantic sense to say that you are mad, or crazy about someone ....

How many different ways can someone, (or something) be mad? You probably already know that a synonym of the word mad is crazy. But if someoneis mad’…, is that the same as ‘to be mad (or crazy,) aboutsomeone or something?

This week’s track, ‘Mad about you’ by Hooverphonic talks about passion, hate, trouble and insanity,..(but in a good way.) So, in a romantic sense to say that you are mad, or crazy about someone, is to say that you are in love or infatuated by that person.

You can also say that you are ‘mad about‘ something. For example: “They’re mad about football.” (They love football.)

Ok, so what if you are really mad? If I say “Be careful! She’s really mad about the damage to her car” this is not the same. (Now we are talking about anger, rather than passion and obsession.)

Check the examples below and see if you can find a phrase with the word ‘mad‘ that you may not have discovered before, but try not to ‘drive yourself mad’ (make yourself become crazy,) trying to work out the differences!

“He was really mad after he realised he had lost his phone.” (Annoyed, angry)
“She’s really mad at/with them for missing the deadline.” (Annoyed, angry)
“He went mad after so many years of drug and alcohol abuse.” (Crazy, insane – note that using the word ‘mad’ to refer to someone with a medical illness can be offensive)
“You’re mad if you think they are going to listen to you.” (Silly, foolish)
“Are you mad? I can’t finish all this work today!” (Crazy, foolish)
“It’s mad to think that people didn’t carry a mobile phone in the past.” (Crazy, hard to understand)


Feel the vibe
Feel the terror
Feel the pain
It’s driving me insane
I can’t fake For God’s sake why am I driving in the wrong lane
Trouble is my middle name
But in the end I’m not too bad
Can someone tell me if it’s wrong to be so mad about you

Mad about you

Are you the fishy wine who will give me a headache in the morning
Or just a dark blue land mine that will explode without a decent warning
Give me all your true hate and I’ll translate it in our bed
Into never seen passion, never seen passion
That’s why I am so mad about you

Mad about you

Trouble is your middle name
But in the end you’re not too bad
Can someone tell me if it’s wrong to be so mad about you

Mad about you
Mad about you
Mad about you

Give me all your true hate and I’ll translate it in your bed
Into never seen passion
That is why I am so mad about you

Mad about you
Mad about you
Mad about you
Mad about you
Mad about you
Mad about you

Hooverphonic/ Mad about you